We Need Your Help!

The future of organics and biodynamics within New Zealand is currently facing a HUGE challenge to its future, in the form of The Gene Technology Bill.

This bill was drafted to facilitate the development of a global GMO sector in New Zealand and was presented to parliament in December.

If passed New Zealand will become the most deregulated and permissive country in the world with regard to the environmental release of novel, genetically modified organisms and the use gene-editing applications in our food production systems. If passed our ability produce and market natural, unmodified foods will be critically impacted.  

Key aspects of the Bill include:   

Deregulation to facilitate full development and release of genetically modified organisms and applications in our natural and productive environments

Removal of the ability for communities or regions to declare themselves “GE Free Zones”

Redefinition of legal terms to effectively remove labelling and traceability of GMO’s within our production and food systems

Removal of the precautionary principle from legal and regulatory considerations 

This is a huge concern to the future of organics and biodynamics here in New Zealand, so we are calling on our community to come together to protect our future, by taking action to stop the Gene Tech Bill.

They also have a donation fund which you can contribute to. The money raised goes towards helping support fund a national campaign raising awareness about the risks of GE policy changes.

Any action you can take, large or small, will help make a difference to keeping our future GE Free!

New Content for YouTube!

Soil ~ Soul ~ Social Conference Celebrating 100 Years of Biodynamics

We invite you to join us in the beautiful Hawkes Bay May 4-5th during organic week to celebrate the biodynamic community and the agriculture course birthed 100 years ago.

Road to Regeneration with Zach Bush

By Christine Moginie

Road to Regeneration – Sunday 12th November 2023 at the ASB Viaduct Theatre in Auckland with Dr Zach Bush Farmers Footprint , Nicole Masters Integrity Soils, Dr Hugh Jellie Ata Regenerative, Te Rangikaheke Kiripatea Kai Rotorua, Tre Cates nRythm, and Angela Clifford The Food Farm/Eat WellNZ 

Fresh from a sold out 800 plus attendance event in Byron Bay NSW “Reconnect” with Charlie Arnott, Joost Bakker, and others on the Saturday, Zach Bush MD joined the line up to inspire those looking for answers to the “where to now?” question, and to launch his charity Farmers Footprint NZ.  

Organisied by Hugh’s marvellous all girl team Fran Baxter (daughter of Kaye), and Amber Rose, the VIP Meet and Greet with Zach before the main event, had around 40 people turn up for networking, canapes and wine, and to enjoy a seriously heartfelt shared hug with Zach. This was also the opportunity to hand him a copy of our latest Harvests Magazine, and discuss a little about Biodynamics in NZ.  

Also to talk with Geoff Ross and his manager/guide Richie from Lake Hawea Station in Central Otago who Charlie interviewed and stayed with before the Feilding Conference this year. 

Not surprisingly Zach finds while hugging his patients, that he can often experience, and diagnose what is going on for them, and why they are coming to see him. Somewhat different to the standard inevitable – “What are you coming to see me for” question I get on visiting medical practitioners!

This already set the scene for understanding how this remarkable man has been inspiring people around the world for some time now. In my limited experience, the ability to not only competently share scientific and medical knowledge, statistics, and research; but also deep spiritual experiences, knowledge, and wisdom in the same presentation is rare. 

There is a humbleness not often associated with the movers and shakers on the Global stage, who rub shoulders with politicians, corporates, and other FP’s (Famous People). The range of topics he covered was vast and extensive …look him up there’s lots of content available online, and Charlie Arnott has interviewed him in his Regenerative Podcasts. 

“Glysophate literally puts out the 10,000 x brighter than the sun light that michochondria and bacteria shine in the cells of all living things”.  

“Since the 1970’s all the drugs that have been manufactured since marijuana, to cocaine, MDMA, Ecstasy, and P etc, have been introduced to completely control the population, and have shut down the human nervous system completely.” 

“We are our own best tormentors if we keep on flipping the victim/perpetrator coin that constantly destroys everything that Nature has created, and the world is built on this long established pattern” 

“Stories shape our realities. Fear, guilt and shame will be transformed when we truly experience the pain, and feel not just the emotion but the true feeling as a whole. The future we can feel and know in our hearts will create our new world”. 

The main impression shared with the uplifting energy /being that filled the auditorium when Zach mentioned his experience in France at the Mary Magdalene/Mother Mary caves, is of a human being who is walking the talk, connecting like-minded souls around the world, very much in touch with his Higher Spirit Self. 

250 plus people attended the main event and Nicole Master’s storytelling, and history of dealing personally with the effects of paraquot chemical poisoning, and associated health issues from growing up playing in the biofuel runoff near Whenuapai Airforce base as a child, was a poignant reminder of NZ’s crazy love affair with chemical fertilisers and big Pharma products. 

Her 2 x sold out Integrity Soil based events organised by Soilsisters, are currently drawing much interest in NZ while she is here, and also around the world. A signed copy of Nicole’s excellent book “For the Love of Soil” will soon be available to borrow from BDNZ’s resource library….when I’ve finished reading it! 

“The first step is to dig a hole, get to know the root system”. “Biologically alive soils reconnect us to the landscape of life”. 

Dr Hugh Jellie realised that there had to be other ways to naturally support and work with animal health during his long career as a Vet, when a farmer client commented on how he couldn’t see that the health of his cows had deteriorated due to the increase of chemical fertilisers, and they looked fine. Hugh’s view was the opposite and so he started Ata Regenerative to educate others. 

Te Rangiheke’s warm hearted stories about growing kumuera for and with his whanau, working with students at local high schools, and inspiring community based projects in and around Rotorua through his work with Rotorua Kai, were interspersed with sharing his Redband gumboots with Angela Clifford though her sandals didn’t fit him or go too well with his outfit…He’s quietly observed how even the most difficult characters become transformed while having their hands and feet in the soil. 

Angela Clifford was the delightful MC and grows food on her permaculture Farm, showing people not only how to grow healthy, nutrient dense food, but also how to cook it. 

A lot of what I heard, I knew already, and while it was inspiring and uplifting and supportive,  knowing there is movement within the conventional agricultural realms, I wonder what the difference really is between Regenerative, Organic, Permaculture, and Biodynamics?  

The question that resonates most for me is would 250 plus people pay $195 to attend one of our BD events, and $350 for a VIP meet and greet?  

Who are BD’s Zach Bush’s and Nicole Masters? How do we best inspire others to step into Biodynamics? What do we need to change to meet this change in the world? Food for thought.

Biodynamics Council

New Marketing Team for BDNZ

We’re stoked to introduce our newest team members! Jodi and Jayne are coming on board to replace Laura and take Biodynamics New Zealand forward into 2024 which includes our momentous 100-Year Anniversary Celebrations.

Jodi van der Vliet – Marketing and Content Creation

Jodi joins us with a background in sustainability and ethical marketing, previously working for Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand as their Marketing & Digital Communications Advisor. During her time at Fairtrade Jodi traveled to Rishikesh, India to complete her 200 hour yoga teacher training certification. The yogic philosophy and teachings underpin Jodi’s approach to life and her work.

Jodi’s most recent role as Marketing Director for market research agency Kantar largely focused on sustainability. A highlight of Jodi’s time at Kantar was developing and launching the Better Futures report in partnership with the Sustainable Business Council for three consecutive years. Jodi is excited to expand her knowledge in Biodynamics and apply the teachings to her own semi-rural garden in Waihi, where she lives with her husband and their 1 year old daughter Sophia.

Jayne Craig – Social Media and 100-Years Coordinator

Jayne comes to us fresh from her previous role, working for an international coaching company, where she oversaw both the copy writing for social media and client campaigns, as well as supporting two international coaching programs to ensure client success.

Jayne has a background in Permaculture Design, as well as Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine.  She lives in the beautiful Hawkes Bay, where she lives with her family and has a thriving garden growing a variety of fruit trees and medicinal herbs on what was the original Weleda grounds; and is looking forward to learning from  and connecting with the biodynamic community.

Traditional Māori Agriculture and Biodynamics

Harvest Article – Summer 2020

The following piece is an excerpt from The Autumn/Winter issue of Harvests 2021. For access to the preparations, twice yearly Harvests Magazine and to participate in monthly Zoom gatherings, become a member of Biodynamics New Zealand.

By Tyne-Marie Nelson

In 2015, Tyne-Marie Nelson undertook a research project to identify resonances between biodynamic farming and traditional Māori methods of agriculture. The project was supported by Taruna College and funded by Te Kete Ora Trust. Sections of that work are reprinted by permission here.

Read more

Reflections on the International Agricultural Conference 2023

Check out the Reflections on Agriculture as a Cultural Impulse. Interesting to take note of these reflections as we move into preparing for the 100 Year Anniversary which is next year!

See more videos and more reflections on the Section for Agriculture site here

Biodynamics Conference 2023

What a fabulous weekend! Three days of learning, inspiration and connection 🙂

Here’s what one attendee said ->

“It was incredible to be able to connect with everyone! In the beginning everyone was basically strangers, and by the end I knew so many people! The food was fab and the range of speakers was great. Also loved to get some of the older BD magazines”

Pre-Conference Introductory Workshop

The Pre-Conference Introductory Workshop was the first (unofficial) day of this year’s Biodynamics Conference and it was hosted by Joanne and Greg Turner at Woodhouse Farm Organics.

Rachel Pomeroy and Katrina Wolff were our tutors for the day, and we started with Rachel taking us through a bit of the background of Steiner’s the Agriculture Course. Katrina then takes us through the preparations.

A great overview for anyone new to biodynamics!

We then got the group outside to start building the biodynamic compost! You can see everyone standing around the work of art that was created 🙂

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can check out a few short snippets of the wisdom and inspiration that Rachel and Katrina shared at this workshop.

Conference Day One

After a productive Pre-Conference Workshop – it was time to dive into the Biodynamics Conference proper. On Saturday we heard from speakers; Gary Williams, Dieter Proebst, Kaitlyn Lamb, Peter Bacchus and Andrew Criglington.

Attendees were particularly inspired by Kaitlyn, our youngest speaker who shared her story and journey with composting and biodynamics. Kaitlyn became interested after being introduced via Katrina’s social media – Blue Borage.

Charlie was the last speaker of the day and he surprised us by doing a short interview with Rachel Pomeroy! Giving us a little laster of what his podcast – The Regenerative Journey – is like.

“Loved Charlie Arnott, Kaitlyn and the homeopathic speakers.”

Conference Day Two

The final day started with some yoga and meditation for those who wanted to join, then we got straight back into it! Charlie took Sunday’s first session on ‘Why Regenerative Agriculture Matters – Lessons from my Farming Journey’.

Monique Macfarlane took us through her inspiring journey and ‘The grounding perspective of the interconnectedness of everything’. And last, but certainly not least, was Cathy Tait-Jamieson with a poignant story about her journey with BioFarm and learnings from incorporating the philosophy of Hua Parakore.

Sunday wrapped up with some group collaboration and brainstorming. We gathered in our regional groups to talk about the best ways to connect and work together. Some great ideas came out of this session!

If you weren’t at conference but have some ideas – please feel free to fire them through to Laura marketing@biodynamic.org.nz. Especially as we have the 100 year anniversary coming up next year…

Attendee feedback

“Hearing the younger members giving talks, bringing up the real needs and renewal of Biodynamics. The conversation night was such a brilliant idea, an amazing evening!”

“The connections I made! All the people I was able to talk to! Such great people!”

“Very good and interesting presentations.”

Video Snippets from Katrina and Rachel at the Pre-Conference Workshop

BDNZ Council – We need your help!

Many of our Council Members this year are finishing their three-year tenure. We’re looking for a few more nominations to join the Biodynamics New Zealand Council.

At this pivotal time, don’t miss your opportunity to steer the biodynamics movement in Aotearoa.

And with the 100 Year Anniversary of Steiner’s lectures coming up next year – there’s lots to get involved in and leave your mark.

What’s involved with being in the Biodynamics New Zealand Council?

Being a BDNZ Council member is the role of governance of the Association. The council guide the vision, strategy and decisions of the Association.

This involves discussing and making decisions on issues affecting the Association. The operations manager manages the staff and the everyday operations. The Council provide support and guidance where necessary.
Being a Council member involves attending monthly online meetings which take a couple of hours, which are usually held at 6:00 on Wednesday.

Here’s what our current Council members have said about their time contributing to Biodynamics New Zealand.

For me it’s been getting to know people better, and to feel part of an association I believe in and care about. I came on wanting to represent home gardeners, and do a little more for newer members who are at the beginning of their journey with biodynamics. I was curious about whether it would be possible to reach out to other organisations like the education sector, the business community, and a range of anthroposophical groups.

It’s been a fascinating three years, and I truly value the time I’ve spent with my colleagues, people who are now more like friends.

I wholeheartedly encourage other members to take their turn on the council for the association. We need everyone’s interests to be represented, and because as a group we’re such a diverse bunch of people, it’ll be a different looking council with each newcomer who steps up to be of service.

I thank you in advance for your dedication to biodynamics in New Zealand alongside all that you do in your local community.

-> Katrina Wolff

Highlights for me have been the sense of camarderie, commitment, and respect that has been built between us all on Council, as we strove to forge a new positive focus and strategy for BDNZ through extremely challenging situations over the past 2 ½ years.

There have been some truly difficult decisions that needed to be made, yet we found the courage to support each other, and step forward together as a real team with vast amounts of humour, and goodwill, oiling the process.

There is no doubt that the hundreds of hours of volunteered time, we shouldered without having a secretary or manager, has been well utilised. 

This has built a good strong platform for the new Council members to be able to focus now just on Governance, while moving into the second stage of the Strategic plan with a wonderful Operational management team onboard.

-> Christine Moginie

We are a diverse group of individuals in different areas, to help shape what you would like, get on board, it has not been “hard work” rather getting things done and challenging but rewarding… To have an association we need a solid council. I’m really looking forward to working with others. 

-> Mark Longworth

How to nominate someone:

For nominations to be accepted, please submit: 

  • A signed statement of nomination from two financial members of the Association, one nominator and one being Seconder.
  • A signed statement of acceptance from the nominee.
  • Email this nomination and signed acceptance to Bryony – operations@biodynamic.org.nz

Those nominated or nominating should also submit:

  • A 250 word statement for publication by the nominee or nominator of as to the nominated’s background history, including any strategic experience with a national organisation and/or governance strength, the skillsets they can offer and a note of their aspirations for their term in office. *This statement shall not contain untrue or defamatory material and will be shortened if it exceeds 250 words.
  • A photograph of the nominee for publication if the candidate so wishes.

2023 Conference Sessions 🦋 – Regenerative Practices for Land and Water

“We Need Transformation” when it comes to our relationship with water.

This is the first topic that will be tackled at this year’s 2023 Biodynamics Conference – Biodynamics and You, by the incredible Gary Williams.

Join Gary for the very first Conference Session on Saturday morning (20th of May) – Regenerative Practices for Land and Water

In his session, Gary will explore the links between land and water, through the water cycle, and the differing relationships of diverse regenerating farming and monocultural industrial food growing.  The underlying theme will be the cultural worldview that conditions our relationships to, and impacts on, both waterways and food growing. 

Gary’s philosophy is that we need to work in harmony with land and water, not dominate it as is the general agricultural practice. 

The health of our rivers and water quality will be a very important topic for us to tackle in the next few years. Hear a water engineer’s and biodynamic farmer’s point of view that we need to “work with nature rather than against it”. 

A few years ago – Gary presented at the New Frontiers Summit – you can read a write up of that talk here.

For those who are particularly interested in this topic. Here’s a bit more background on Gary’s conference session.

The following is a paragraph in an excerpt from an international scientific article Gary was a contributing author to.  

The article contrasted a wholistic nature-based of matauranga Maori approach to water and waterways with the dominance and control approach of the western European mindset. 

“Anthropogenic assertions of dominance over nature in the river management arena have been echoed in intensive approaches to industrial agricultural practices in Aotearoa New Zealand, with their dependence upon high energy and high chemical use. There is little prospect to avoid an impending crisis, unless sustainable approaches to agriculture production are incorporated within integrated water resource management plans [76]. As of yet, limited uptake of regenerative approaches to rewilding rivers parallels few (but important) small-scale approaches to regenerative agriculture—practices that work with nature, rather than against it.” 

Brierley, G.; Fuller, I.; Williams, G.; Hikuroa, D.; Tilley, A. Re-Imagining Wild Rivers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Land 2022, 11, 1272. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11081272

For more info about Gary Williams and what he gets up to on his land in Otaki – check out his website here.