Help share future issues of Harvests magazine
Harvests is the official magazine of Biodynamics New Zealand, dedicated to exploring and celebrating biodynamic practices, philosophies, and community stories. Published twice a year—Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter—each issue brings together practical gardening wisdom, discussions on anthroposophy, and real-world examples of biodynamics in action.
Have your say
We want Harvests to reflect what matters most to you. Whether you’re drawn to deep explorations of anthroposophy, hands-on gardening techniques, or real-world examples of biodynamics in action, your feedback will help guide our content in future issues.
Let us know what you’d like to see more of by completing this short survey. Your input will help us create a magazine that supports and inspires our biodynamic community.
Fill out this quick survey here, and let us know what you’d like to see more of.