Land Based Primary Production Students in Action
On a ‘descending root day’ the North Auckland, Land Based Training: Sustainable Primary Production students gathered at Shelly Beach Farm to dig up last year’s cow horns and spread 500 on the pasture. By all accounts it was a great social event.
Bridget Henderson has shared with us some fantastic photos of the students in action and the following observation;
“When the horns were laid down we buried some with openings facing down and some lying on their sides. Upon digging up, the ones facing down had not turned as well as the ones on their sides.. interesting!”

We would like to thank Bridget for sharing with us these fabulous images – its great to see biodynamics in action!
If you have any images and stories of events you have attended around New Zealand, we would love to hear from you and feature your event in our monthly members newsletter, or here on the blog.
Please email to share your stories and images.