Water and Flowform – Ian Trousdell

Harvest Article – Autumn 2018

Flowform expert Ian Trousdell explores the energetic properties of water. 

Water is central to all life. It manifests in the form of living beings and as the blood, lymph and sap which rhythmically sustains them. Water also mediates cosmic information flowing into natural life forms, as light frequencies penetrate organisms’ internal liquids – supplying a mysterious life energy which is the core of personal health and good quality food. Materialistic science knows this energy exists but considers it to be a byproduct of the operations of physical chemistry. Biodynamic thinking, on the other hand, holds that this energy operates in a higher dimension than the physical, coexisting formatively within it. 

More Information on Ian Trousdell’s work: www.flowform.net

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The Nature of Liquid Water – Gary Williams

Harvest Article – Spring 2017

Gary Williams – philosopher, professional soil and water engineer, permaculture consultant and teacher, and biodynamic farmer – offered a fascinating presentation at the 2017 conference that drew on his diverse experiences and wove together many intricate ideas. He summarises that talk here. 

Water plays such an important role in physical and living processes that its flow patterns and influences are fundamental to our life experiences. 

At the same time, our understanding of water and its flow patterns, and our relationships with water, depend on our worldview. A worldview is the cultural framework we use to understand our experiences and the world around us; it conditions our view of reality and how things happen. 

There are as many worldviews as there are cultures, communities and people in the world. However, there is an interesting duality in our cultural worldview, as expressed in the question of quantum mechanics: ‘Is it a particle or a wave?’ Is it a moving object or is it an energy field? 

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500 STIR and SPRAY

There’s no denying it, we’re well and truly into Autumn now. The Autumn Equinox has passed and the days are shorter and cooler.

Our focus now moves to building compost and enlivening our soil.

National 500 Stir – April the 22nd

Next Friday the 22nd of April is Earth Day and is the start of the moon’s descending phase, which is a perfect time to stir and spray biodynamic prep 500.

Preparation 500 is a living substance which helps build soil structure, stimulates microbial activity and the formation of humus, greatly improving the absorption and retention of water in the soil.

Used as part of a regular practice, it regulates acidity, stimulates the growth of root systems to greater depths, increases the germination rate of seeds and helps to dissolve hard pans.

Stirring or dynamising the preparation for a full hour is a wonderful activity for a group or family, but can also be achieved by one person.

For more reading on preparation 500, check this post out from Autumn 2020 which includes comments on this time of the year from Rachel Pomeroy, Su Hoskin and Rand Carter.

Members can purchase the preparations via Biodynamics New Zealand. If you’re not already, BECOME A MEMBER here.

Autumn Equinox National Stir

Join in as NZ growers unite for Autumn Equinox celebrations, this Friday evening, 19th March as it is the perfect time to stir and apply preparation 500 and bring balancing energy to the soils and world. We asked three Biodynamic educators, Rachel Pomeroy, Su Hoskin and Rand Carter for a brief commentary on what is occurring this Autumn Equinox, and what we can do biodynamically, to help the positive forces of our gardens, farms and our spirits grow.

In Aotearoa, we find ourselves called return our intentions to papatuanuku, earth and the cosmos above and in turn breath much needed balance and grounding into our wairua, spirit. To perhaps sit this Friday, as we stir in aroha and gratitude, and celebration of seasons change into Autumn and the descent into the time of earth forces and energy.

As Rand Carter in the Northern Hemisphere writes “In order to fashionably welcome Spring, on March 19, we will spray BD #500. On March 20, we will all spray BD #501. The Merry Prepstirs desire is to promote the visual process of the biodynamic sequential spray from simply ‘your personal farm/garden’ into a global sequential spray. Imagine the boundaries of this spray day to reach from coast to coast and from continent to continent.

Su: Autumn Equinox is perfect timing for spreading the biodynamic field preparation horn manure or Preparation 500.

The descending Moon will be in the earth sign of Capricorn from Thursday 19th March until just before 5.00pm Saturday 21st March. Utilise the drawing down phase of the afternoon to stir and apply for optimal timing at the change of seasons.

Strange as it may seem, the soil life actually awakens in the fall, to receive the dying plant matter and replenish from the growing season.

The Earth inhales during this time in a rhythmic process, so compost, liquid manures and barrel compost are also of great benefit if applied now to the land.


Rachel Pomeroy, educator and astronomer writes, “At the Autumn Equinox, Tama Nui Te Ra farewells Hine Raumati and moves hastily towards Hine Takurua, in whose home he will linger for the next several months.  But notice how the brilliant winter full moons of the next months all keep company with Hine Raumati, she’s not abandoned.

Although the warmth and light have left the land and the luxuriant growth of plants will slow or cease, below the ground, the life of soil and roots is very active.  To support Te Marama in below ground activity, increasing the Mauri of the soil, add compost and mulch around fruit trees and vines, use CPP and liquid manure around the roots of the winter vegetables and apply the horn manure preparation to all the land.”

Rachel Pomeroy’s photo of the eastern horizon from Atea a Rangi, Napier taken Thursday March 19th


Rand: Though many people spray “after 3pm” this is not the beginning of the cosmic in-breathing time except on specific days and only during specific seasons. For example, in summer, the soil is almost certainly NOT yet cooling nor contracting at 3pm, but in winter, the soil almost certainly will begin to cool by that time of day.We want to spray out 500 when the soil is contracting, which means when the air pressure is switching from negative (expansive) pressure to positive (contracting) pressure. If we spray something out strictly at 3pm, most of it will evaporate. These conditions are extremely local. If you have an overcast day, you can’t rely on a recipe. If you have an unseasonably warm front moving in during the evening, a 500 spray will not be drawn into the soil as it should. Likewise, a cold front moving in at dawn will not help 501 move up and out over a garden. It is far more important to be sensitive to local conditions.

When soil cools, it contracts. When air heats, it expands.

To put it as simply as possible: is the soil cooling off? You can spray 500. Is the soil warming up? You can spray 501. A good general rule is this: are shadows starting to fall across the farm? You can spray 500. Conversely, is light starting to hit the soil? You can spray 501, or about the time the dew begins to dry. This will all be different depending on your altitude or whether you have hills surrounding you (or even trees). Discard dogma. Your local conditions are paramount.


Rand: BD #500 prep contains immense ethereal and astral forces. If you are fortunate to have BD500XP then you have a 20 minute stir, otherwise the standard 1-hour stir.

Su: Horn manure preparation 500 is a manure concentrate. Available for purchase from the BDNZ.
Fresh cow manure buried in cow horns in fertile soil for Autumn and Winter, is transformed into a potent conditioner for soil and plants. Applied in Spring and Autumn. It is a living substance which helps build soil structure, stimulates microbial activity and the formation of humus, greatly improving the absorption and retention of water in the soil.

Used as part of a regular practice, it regulates acidity, stimulates the growth of root systems to greater depths, increases the germination rate of seeds and helps to dissolve hard pans.

Stirring or dynamising the preparation for a full hour is a wonderful activity for a group or family, but can also be achieved by one person.

Rand: BD #501 is Horn Silica or Horn Feldspar (for you with sand in your shoes) requires a 1-hour stir. It is best is to spray it into the air on a windless day from sunrise (not before) to mid-morning – before 8AM with a temperature not above 72. (Stewart Lundy’s & Troy Teets comments on shadows (see above) rings true).


Su: The dynamic interaction between the prep and the water can be done in clean separate small buckets or in a larger container such as a wine barrel, copper tub or plastic drum. Individual buckets can be stirred using your hand or a stick or wooden spoon. A larger vessel will require more effort and therefore a suspended pole is recommended on a tripod over the barrel or attached to a frame / roof beam of an outdoor building.


Su: Water quality is of the essence, rain water, spring water or bore If possible, warmed to blood temperature. This will activate the biology to a greater degree than cold water.

Rand: Enzo Nastati says there “are basically three kinds of water. The water that descends, the water that rises, and the water that flows. What kind will you use for the 500? Spring water. Well water if it is not too deep. When a well is more than 100 meters deep that water is full of darkness.” If you must use municipal water, let it aerate for a day to off-gas the long-lasting disinfectant called Chloramine (chlorine & ammonia).

Su: Barrel compost can be added for the last twenty minutes of the stir. This will then become the carrier for the compost preparations.
It’s a good idea to time yourself, you’ll be surprised how quickly an hour passes during this meditative and stimulating activity.


Su: Use 50g of the horn manure preparation to about 30L water per ha.
Stir from the outside of the container inward and clockwise until all the liquid is surging in one direction and then break the flow to create ‘chaos’ by reversing the stirring action anti clockwise. Opening the surface area of the water allows aeration and other energetic forces to enter. Repeat for whole hour. The water will become silky and ‘elastic’ as the preparation is incorporated into the liquid.

Have more knowledge to add about Autumn equinox? Leave a comment and your experiences or send us an email marketing@biodynamic.org.nz and we’ll update this article.

Share with us your stir by tagging us on Instagram @biodynamicsnewzealand or Facebook @facebook.com/BiodynamicsNewZealand and we’ll share your photos.

Preparations can be purchased from the Biodynamic Association. Simply purchase a membership (digital or full) and head to the online Shop.