March Cultivating Conversation with Christine Moginie

We’re back with our first Cultivating Conversations of the year! Open to all members of the Biodynamics New Zealand and it’s free. A chance to connect and chat all things biodynamics.
The theme for this week’s conversation is the Autumn Equinox which is on Monday 21st March at 3.33am with Sun in front of Pisces and Moon in Libra in ascending waning phase.
Autumn is the time to start thinking about making Horn manure 500, CPP, and compost.
She’ll answer the questions; When are the best dates and times looking at the BD calendar? And why do we make these preparations at this time of the yearly cycle?
This is an opportunity for attendees to share their experiences and questions.
We will start with a short Goethean Observation exercise focusing on a piece of fruit, if everyone can have that with them on the zoom call, and pencils and paper to draw if they like.