News & Events

Find out what is happening around Biodynamics in New Zealand – Holistic Organic Agriculture. Here we will be posting interesting articles (both new and from past Harvests Magazines), Upcoming Events, and other items of interest.

David Wright smiles at the 2017 AGM ion Aucland

Assn Secy David Wright finishes after 27 years

Today was David Wright's last day as the Association's Executive Secretary, after…
Rooftop food garden with cityscape in the background

2017 Conference

The New Zealand Biodynamic Association's 2017 conference will be held at Michael Park School, Ellerslie, Auckland on 19-21 May. This year's theme is "Urban biodynamics: growing the future".
Cover image for "Why cows have horns"

Why Cows Have Horns

"Why cows have horns" is a resource compiled by the cattle breeding…