South Island Workshops with Su Hoskin, Peter & Gill Bacchus
Hands on and practical workshops in either Hawea (Wanaka) or Takaka (Golden Bay).
Biodynamic and Organic Field Days with Su Hoskin, Peter and Gill Bacchus. Hawea – 17th and 18th of February
Food Forest Fundraiser. Using biodynamics to increase soil activity and carbon sequestration.
Day 1 – Friday the 17th of February
Peter Bacchus, is a NZ-based consultant & Author of ‘Biodynamic Pasture Management’. Peter has been working practically with Biodynamic agriculture for over 60 years. During this time, he has run dairy farms, grown hothouse tomatoes, grown herbs at Weleda and run a commercial composting operation.
Participants will learn about sequestering carbon and building hummus for soil fertility & nutritional quality of crops, resilience to weather extremes, plus the beneficial effects of using biodynamic preparations on land, plants and animals in relation to to health, vitality, weed, pest and disease control.
The day will include an interactive workshop looking at biodynamic hot compost, and barrel compost with Su Hoskin and an introduction to day 2 – Mindful Eating – Food observation exercise with Gill Bacchus.
Cost – $50 pp includes morning and afternoon tea. (special discounted price $80 for both days).
Registration essential. Please submit any questions to 0211438233
Day 2 – Saturday 18th February 10.00 am – 4.30 pm
Organic and Biodynamic land management and its relation to nutrition.
Location: NZ Nut Producers, 222 Pearson Road, Cromwell.
Morning session 1 – Rudolf Steiner’s Work and traditional Biodynamic Practices – Su Hoskin. Su has been practising biodynamics for over a decade and applying the principles to gardens, allotments, vineyards, a mixed farm and the Hawea Food Forest.
Morning session 2 – Practicalities of Biodynamics on a 20 hectare walnut block – Farm walk and talk- Valda Muller Transformational change and how it was achieved. Use of plant teas and liquid manures.
Afternoon Session 1 – The importance of silica for strength and vitality – Peter Bacchus
Afternoon session 2 – Mindful Eating – Interactive Nourishing food conversations and Observations with Gill Bacchus.
Gill has researched and studied the topic of food nutritional quality, completing a Master of science degree in 2003. She has spent many years as an educator in organic and Biodynamic farming and gardening. She co-authored the Biodynamic farming book Grasp The Nettle, and is author of ‘Food Full of life”& Love your Veges’.
Gill will lead an observation of fruit, nut and vegetable plants through sight, smell and taste to help us grow and select foods that best nourish our body, soul and spirit.
Cost : $50 or discounted price of $80 for both workshops.
Morning and afternoon tea provided.
What to bring; Own lunch or plate to share, mug, deck chair or blanket, drinking water, hat.
Registration essential.
Please submit any questions to Su Hoskin
Biodynamic Workshop – Takaka
Enjoy a full day of hands on, practical learning with Peter Bacchus
Sunday 26th of Feb at Earthly Greens (646 East Takaka Rd, Golden Bay)
Peter Bacchus, 82 years old, has a life long interest in biodynamics with his parents being early adopters in 1933 of biodynamic methods here in New Zealand. He has been a dairy farmer, medical herb grower and compost maker.
Peter will pass on his extensive knowledge of biodynamic preparations, aspects of the weather, planetary influences and how to create the best compost.
Cost $50. Morning tea and lunch provided.
To register and for more details please contact Tony Hudson at