Spring in your Biodynamic Garden

From a biodynamic point of view, Springtime is when the universe releases it’s ~ exhale ~

The earth starts to release and extend it’s energy upwards to the sun.

Birds and insects are starting to get more active so lets follow their lead and do the same!

Even though article first written in 2022, the dates have been updated – all ascending/descending and mood days apply to 2023!

To set yourself up for a productive Spring – consider these tasks;

1. Clear winter crops away and create space for your new Spring seeds/seedlings to go

2. Stir and spray Preparation 500 on the soil to increase fertility. On a root moon day, in the descending period is the best time to stir and spray!

Our next descending moon period starts from the 28th of August to the 8th of September, and then the one following is 24th of September to the 4th of October.

Root (Earth) Days within the next two descending periods

  • 28th and 29th of August (Moon in Capricorn)
  • 5th, 6th and 7th of September (Moon in Taurus)
  • 25th, 26th of September (Moon in Capricorn)
  • 3rd, 4th, 5th of October (Moon in Taurus)

Order your 500 prep now and plan a group stir with your neighbours, friends and family!

3. Celebrate the Spring Equinox – 23rd of September with friends and whānau. This is when the days get longer than the nights!

4. Participate in a horn lifting – especially if you haven’t done one before.

5. Spring is a good time to prune fruit trees and other perennials

6. Protect blossoms from late frosts by spraying valerian 507

7. If you have put put at least 2x Horn Manure 500 applications, you can do a 501 application. Not only to help with balancing the Spring cosmic/terrestrial connection, but also to try and balance the excessive weather modification that continues to affect the “natural” balance of life on our planet. 

Ascending moon is a good time for 501 application so 9th to 23rd of Sep or 6th until 20th of Oct.

Only Members can purchase preprations, and you need to log in!