Motueka Steiner School Workshop Series; Su Hoskin – Making the Biodynamic Preparations

The Kete Ora Trust has granted funding to the Motueka Rudolf Steiner School Trust (MRSST) to offer 8 community workshops in the theory and practice of biodynamics in home gardens, marae, market gardens, farms, schools and our Steiner School Farm. The tutors are highly experienced biodynamic farmers and gardeners who will guide you through both theory and hands-on learning. Our vision is to form a regional biodynamic hub which will produce quality BD preparations under guidance and  continue to provide community and sector education in biodynamics.  

Date: Saturday 26th March 2022  – Autumn Equinox

Time: 10am to 5pm 

Su has spent over a decade practicing biodynamic farming principles on home gardens, a mixed farm, vineyards and more recently a local food forest and allotments in New Zealand. In 2012 Su set up a charitable trust which holds informal discussions, runs workshops, demonstrations and seminars, providing support for new and existing BD practitioners. In 2015 Su gained  her Certificate in Applied Organics and Biodynamics from Taruna College. She later went on to help coordinate the same course in her own region, Central Otago. Between 2015 and 2018 she completed a term on the New Zealand Biodynamic Association Council  and has been a trustee on the Kete Ora Trust for many years.  

Venue:  From 10am to lunchtime in Ahi Classroom at the Motueka Steiner School, 165 Robinson Rd. Please park inside the main entrance and walk up to the Ahi classroom or get a lift from others. There is limited parking close to Ahi. 

The practical afternoon session on “Making the Biodynamic Preparations” and burying them will be held at the Steiner School Farm, 49 School Rd. 

BYO: lunch; boots in case of wet weather; extra-grip plastic gloves. 

Register: your name with These workshops are each limited to 20 people so registrations are on a first come first serve basis.  

Koha: The suggested Koha for the day is $45. Please transfer your Koha  online to the Motueka Rudolf Steiner School Trust (MRSST) account number 03-1354-0296448-05.  

Please use as the reference: Your surname (abbreviated if need be) followed by first initial of your first name and then KO KOHA  (this stands for for Kete Ora Koha). Eg your name reference could be SmithJ KO Koha 

Looking forward to seeing you at the Steiner School Farm on Saturday 26th March 2022. 

Online Conference 2022 – Speakers

Steiner Community Workshops Continue at Motueka School

The latest Community Workshop on Biodynamics was held on Saturday 12th February at the Steiner School site in Robinson Road, Lower Moutere. This was the third workshop in a series of eight which started in November last year. The Motueka Rudolf Steiner School Trust (MRSST) has been able to offer workshops in the theory and practice of using biodynamics to bring life and health back to our soils, our land and the food we grow, for koha. This has been through funding from Kete Ora Trust.

On Saturday, participants were led by Dieter Proebst with a morning theory session at the Steiner school which Dieter describes as ‘a mind massage’, and an afternoon session in the shed at the school’s farm. The workshop was entitled ‘Permaculture as a Design Framework for Biodynamics’, looking at the best of both and combining them. In the afternoon, participants were invited to create together a model landscape on a  two square metre sandbox set up on a table. It was participatory and collaborative with lots of conversation. 

Dieter is one of the founders of the Motueka Rudolf Steiner School Trust, which began in 1984 with the kindergarten in a house at Riverside, Lower Moutere. Dieter is a highly-experienced forester, nurseryman, farmer, and orchardist. He came to New Zealand from Germany in 1981 with a Master of Science/Forestry from Munich University, and he settled in the Motueka Valley on the West Bank. 

Over 35 years, he turned 30 acres of bare pasture into a successful certified organic farm and nursery with, amongst others, over 100 varieties of apples. Dieter holds a Diploma in Permaculture Design and is a recognised land-use consultant. He has led many workshops over the years, is an author, a long-standing biodynamic grower and advisor, and a former Demeter Inspector.

There are many techniques of land management – biodynamics, permaculture, organics, regenerative agriculture and others. Dieter refers to these as ‘franchises’, as he believes the most important in all of these is the land, the environment, and working out what the land wants and needs: ”While there is a plethora of literature about land management,” Dieter says, “often the problem lies in people’s minds. People need to trust their instincts.” 

His Treedimensions Land Use Consultancy, which he continues to run from where he now lives in Golden Bay, is about finding site appropriate solutions. He hopes that the workshop participants will learn to apply their own common sense, their gut feeling and  their intuition to living with their land. He calls for people to have open minds, be curious and humble to learn.

The next  Biodynamic Community workshop will be held on 266h March and will be led by Su Hoskin, an experienced biodynamic practitioner and educator, on making the Biodynamic preparations. Dieter will return for another workshop in April which will be about edible landscaping and the food forest concept. For more information and to reserve a place email .The workshops are each limited to 25  people so registrations are on a first come first serve basis.

Motueka Steiner School Workshop Series

The Kete Ora Trust has granted funding to the Motueka Rudolf Steiner School Trust (MRSST) to offer 8 community workshops in the theory and practice of biodynamics in home gardens, marae, market gardens, farms, schools and our Steiner School Farm. The tutors are highly experienced biodynamic farmers and gardeners who will guide you through both theory and hands-on learning. Our vision is to form a regional biodynamic hub which will produce quality BD preparations under guidance and  continue to provide community and sector education in biodynamics. 

Workshops: 8 monthly workshops are on offer from November 2021 to June 2022 on the theory and practice of using biodynamics to bring life and health back to our soils, our land and the food we grow.

Workshop Three: The theme is “Permaculture  as a Design Framework for Biodynamics.”

This Workshop will be led by Dieter Proebst: Master of Science (Forestry);  Diploma in Permaculture Design with a career as  forester, nurseryman, farmer, orchardist, land-use consultant, tutor, author, long- standing biodynamic grower, farm-advisor and former Demeter Inspector.

Date: Saturday 12th February 2022, 

Time: 10am to 5pm.

Venue:  From 10am to lunchtime in Ahi Classroom at the Motueka Steiner School, 165 Robinson Rd. Please park inside the main entrance and walk up to the Ahi classroom or get a lift from others. There is limited parking close to Ahi.

The practical afternoon session will be held at the Steiner School Farm, 49 School Rd and will explore “How can we integrate these two approaches to living ecological land-use examples?”

BYO  lunch, boots in case of wet weather.

Register your name with These workshops are each limited to 25 people so registrations are on a first come first serve basis.

Living with the Seasons

We’re very excited to introduce Glen Atkinson’s (PhD) latest educational offering. Over three online workshops, Glen will be shedding light on plant growth and the seasons through Rudolf Steiner’s lens and the unique worldview of biodynamics. 

Read more

Punakaiki Compost Day

A passionate group of people joined Su Hoskin on the West Coast for an interactive day of composting! They learnt how to create humus rich soil through the art of hot composting.

The day included a stir and spread of the field preparation 500 Horn Manure.

Cosmic and Earthly Impulses Workshop

What an incredible week at the Cosmic and Earthly Impulses Workshop!🌱💫

Su brought together the incredible Hans and Inneke Mulder, Marinus La Rooij and Dieter Proebst who took us through 4 wisdom-packed days at the Oasis Yurts in Wanaka 🙌🏻

A BIG thank you to our tutors Inneke and Hans Milder, Marinus La Rooij and Dieter Proebst (not pictured) and of course, the Biodynamic Association Education Coordinator, Su Hoskin for making the workshop happen!

Jan said “It rekindled her love for biodynamics”

Lyn said “Freedom” 💕

Hans presenting on Steiner’s Lectures One and Two from the Agriculture Course

Shannon said “Hans, Marinus and Dieter explained the cosmic agriculture in a way that made so much sense”

Beautiful location for the workshop – lunch outside in the sun!
Interactive exercise experiencing the movement of the Sun and Planets
Sunny day and mountains in the background!

The field day to Rippon was a real standout.

The food was nourishing and invigorating.

I appreciated the open discussions and the involvement from the audience – I am so grateful to have listened to the instructors but also the wealth of knowledge of the attendees.

Alex Dunn

Marinus presenting on Lecture 6 of the Agriculture Course – Aspects of Pest Management

Dieter presenting on Lecture 7 of the Agriculture Course – Spiritual Ecology

Hans and Inneke run a creative exercise – clay modelling of an animal
The final masterpieces!
Pia showing off her creation!

Edith enjoyed the company of the experienced local wine growers, including the visit of a vinyard; as well as Hans and Ineke’s collaboration in running their workshops;
Dieter’s presentation and the insights into his biographical pursuit of spiritual, philosophical and scientific study of different scholars; – was inspiring!

James Milton
Nick Mills immersed in artistic work – drawing a flowering plant
Plenty of time for connection and great conversation in the break times.
Valda, Lyn and Pia enjoying the delicious food and sun!
Sun and plenty of cups of tea!
Inneke, Hans and Graham
Excursion to Demeter Certified Rippon Vineyard where Nick Mills took us on a tour of the property. What a view!

Heart learning, from people who have worked with body and mind and soul for most of their lives with biodynamics. Rounded days of listening and sparking and talking over and adding to in the -so well catered! – breaks; training eye and hand to observe and re/create, and all in beautiful surroundings, mountains and river and peace.

Fiona Guyon
Nick Mills telling us the story of Rippon
Checking out the biodynamic compost at the soon-to-be established nerve centre.
Giving it a smell and a feel!

The discourse and valuable presence of elders as well as the ability to speak one on one with the majority of people attending and presenting was especially beneficial for me.

Chris Boozer
Cowpat pits
Shannon from Rippon Vineyard digging up their cow horns.

It was a great atmosphere with great speakers; yummy food and the topic was interesting 🙂

Thank you Sue for organising this workshop.

Pia Dickhart

Nick Mills and his biodynamic stirer

Marinus, Graham and team checking out the recently dug out cow horns.
Full crew! (Just about).
Inneke talking on ‘Renewing the Festivals in a biodynamic farm’

It was simply inspiring to have Hans, Marinus and Dieter in one room, were you could sense they felt so relaxed in presenting there topics.

Ineke of course is such a star!

Rudi Bauer